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16 other product
Regan/Ball - Zwischenzug (a comprehensive guide to Intermediate Moves in Chess)
Zwischenzug! is the first-ever comprehensive guide to the chess tactic also known as the intermediate move, or intermezzo. This exciting manoeuvre can catch opponents off guard because it is against the expected run of play. You will learn how to spot Zwischenzugs, when to look out for them, and how to set them up in your games.
The authors have studied thousands of games and have identified the patterns that appear frequently in practical play. The book categorizes the different types of Zwischenzugs and distils them into easily accessible themes. The concepts are given catchy names to make them more memorable, and historical details and anecdotes are added throughout the book.
Included is an extensive mix of sample puzzles for learning and practice.
When published on Chessable, the course was received very enthusiastically and awarded an average rating of 4.82 out of a possible five stars. Another welcome effect is that the authors are now finding a lot of Zwischenzugs in their own games! 280 pages
Perunovic - Sicilian Defense : Four Knights Variation
The Four Knights Variation is a variation of the Sicilian Defense that most often occurs after 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nf6 5.Nc3 Nc6. It’s a good choice for all types of players – whether you’re an aggressive player who wants to attack your opponents or a more defensive player who prefers a slow and positional game, the Four Knights Variation is the right choice for you.
Learning to play the Four Knights Variation of the Sicilian Defense is not only beneficial for adding a powerful opening to your repertoire but can also improve your general chess understanding and knowledge. By studying this opening, players can learn about important concepts such as pawn structures, piece activity, and the importance of controling the center. Furthermore, the Four Knights Variation often leads to complex and tactical positions, which can help players improve their calculation skills and ability to recognize key tactical patterns on the board. All in all, mastering this opening can help players become more well-rounded chess players. 223 pages