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Deck of Cards with 52 chess openings explained
Livraison gratuite à partir de €69 (Belgique, France, Pays-Bas, Luxembourg, Allemagne)
For fourteen days!
All payment cards accepted.
16 other product
Rodi - The modernized Queen's Gambit declined ( a Dynamic Repertoire for Black)
The history of the Queen’s Gambit is connected with the very beginnings of modern chess, the opening being cited in the earliest published books on the science of the game, such as the Göttingen manuscript (1490) and the books of Ruy Lopez (1561) and Salvio (1604). The so-called Queen’s Gambit Declined – or Refused – is, together with the Slav, the main defense in the universe of queenside openings, and shares with the aforementioned defense a well-earned reputation for being a reliable and very solid scheme.
The main aim of the present work is to show that Black can indeed obtain positions where all three results are possible. The Queen’s Gambit Declined, about a century after its golden age, is still a reliable and lively defense, where despite all the theory developed during its long existence it still holds secrets for analysts and offers new positions to enjoy a lively game, both strategically and tactically. 620 pages HARDCOVER
In this book the highly experienced grandmaster Milos Pavlovic outlines a powerful repertoire for White based on 1 d4. The variations are very much based on strategic themes where an understanding of plans is far more important than memorisation of lines and move orders. The author focuses on important positional considerations such as:
- Which pieces need to be traded off.
- On which squares will pieces be most effective.
- What is the best way to develop the initiative.
Nowadays many strong players try to beat opponents by learning sharp lines in the opening. However, it is also possible to do the same by obtaining positions where you have a great understanding of how to conduct the middlegame and thus can consistently outplay your opponent.
In Opening Repertoire: Strategic Play with 1 d4, Milos Pavlovic guides the reader through the chosen variations and carves out a complete repertoire for White. He examines all aspects of play and provides the reader with well-researched, fresh, and innovative analysis. Each annotated game has valuable lessons on the opening and contains instructive commentary on typical middlegame plans.
- A complete repertoire for White with 1 d4.
- A question and answer approach provides an excellent study method.
- 279 pages
TOPALOV, GINCHEV - Topalov - Kramnik, Elista 2006
AAGAARD - Excelling at Positional Chess
Deuxième ouvrage sur le sujet en un mois, et aussi différent du précédent (Secrets of Positional Chess de Marovic) qu'il est possible de l'être. Si le GMI croate visait clairement le public des joueurs moyens en s'attardant longuement sur les bases du maniement des pièces, le MI danois s'adresse quand à lui aux forts joueurs désireux de progresser dans les finesses du jeu positionnel. La partie théorique de l'ouvrage est restreinte : six courts chapitres (encore deux d'entre eux n'ont-ils aucun rapport avec le sujet) exposent (ou rappellent) les principes de base : amélioration du placement des pièces, utilisation optimale des dites pièces, exploitation des faiblesses adverses. L'essentiel vient ensuite : un choix de 108 positions proposées comme exercices d'application, suivies bien sûr de solutions commentées. Disons clairement que ces exercices sont très (trop ?) difficiles. Aagaard a en effet sélectionné des positions complexes et des manoeuvres surprenantes, et l'absence de toute indication ou conseil n'arrange rien. A l'arrivée, il est à craindre que ce livre serve plus de recueil d'exemples commentés que d'ouvrage d'entraînement... Un conseil en tous cas : n'abordez cet ouvrage que si vous avez déjà lu - et maîtrisé - le Can you be a Positional Chess Genius de Dunnington.
HANSEN - Secrets of Chess Endgame Strategy
Chessboard Black/Maple
This 48x48cm veneer chessboard has been crafted from maple and mahogany. This fine chess board has a square size of 50mm and it is ideal for our larger chessmen with a King height of 90mm. This board is available with or without alphanumeric notation.
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WATSON - Maîtriser les ouvertures, vol.1
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Ensemble scolaire (taille 5)
Tapis vinyle souple vert ou marron et pièces plastique n°5.
32 Brain teasers metal
A collection of 32 brain teasers in metal. These metal brain teasers provide for a great challenge it comes with wire pieces twisted together, to unlock the ring puzzle you need to maneuver the pieces until you will be able to separate them.