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Dvoretsky/Yusupov - Technique in Chess
“And the Rest Is Just a Matter of Technique...”
How often has this comment been appended to a game move or variation? As many players know, it really may not be all that easy to figure out what is meant by this familiar phrase.
After the untimely passing of legendary instructor Mark Dvoretsky, Artur Yusupov was given access to Dvoretsky’s famous card files. With the core material based upon these files, the former top ten grandmaster – and perhaps the most successful of all of Dvoretsky’s students – put together this book, modifying and refining the content as needed.
The book begins with a “theoretical” explanatory section. This is followed by 102 practice positions, which increase in in difficulty. Good technique for gaining an advantage is useful in all areas of the game, so there are positions from the opening, middlegame, and especially the endgame – not only from practical games but also from various studies.
The comments to the solutions are very detailed, explaining not only the main line but also the supplementary side variations. Yusupov thought it important to demonstrate the logic in the search for a decision and to show how a chessplayer can come to the right conclusions at the board.
Dvoretsky’s master student Artur Yusupov has done a great job in selecting and presenting the material so that this book “feels” like another genuine Dvoretsky work. This book is a real gem and I hope that it gives you as much pleasure as it has given me. And that from now on, when you have an advantage, the rest really will be, well, just a matter of technique... – From the Foreword by Grandmaster Dr. Karsten Müller. 175 pages
ASHLEY -What Grandmasters dont see vol. 2: Discovered attack DVD
Système requis:
Pentium 300 Mhz, 64 Mo RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, lecteur DVD-ROM, souris, carte son.
Chess Set Bauhaus
The Bauhaus chess set’s unique look catches the eye right away. It’s certainly one of the more artistic and modern-looking chess sets we’ve come across. And yet, its charm lies in its simplicity (and the very apparent supreme-quality craftsmanship of the set). The smooth, clean lines and interesting shapes of the chess pieces are somehow simultaneously modern and timeless. However, the Bauhaus chess set is more than meets the eye. The pieces are not only designed to be artistically striking but are actually inspired by the movement capabilities and value of each piece in the game.
The Bauhaus chess set would make a gorgeous statement piece in any room of the house. It also could be a special gift for anyone who loves both chess and that clean-lined Bauhaus design style. This set closely replicates the original Josef Hartwig Bauhaus chess set. We choose for this aesthetic set of pieces a chessboard black without edge of 45 cm.
EMMS - The most amazing chess moves of all time
HANSEN - Scandinavian CD Rom
Employée assez régulièrement dans les grands tournois jusque vers 1920, la défense scandinave (1.e4 d5) s'était ensuite vue affligée d'une réputation douteuse et avait été reléguée au rang de curiosité exotique à l'usage des excentriques, à peine tirée de l'oubli par la célèbre victoire de Larsen sur Karpov au tournoi de Montreal 1979. Un important travail théorique mené depuis une dizaine d'années a conduit à sa réhabilitation, et ce CD Rom vient faire le point sur sa pratique récente. Comme toujours, vous y trouverez une base de données exhaustive (29.000 parties), de nombreuses parties commentées, des textes explicatifs et douze parties d'entraînement pour tester vos connaissances nouvellement acquises.
Pavlovic - The modernized London System
Although known for a long time, the London started to catch up in popularity just in the last decade or so. I guess the reason for this is probably the desire of many players to focus more on the practical side of chess, with less use of engines and less memorization of long theoretical lines, and more about positional understanding of game. I must say, it received a huge boost not only in the number of games but also in a deeper understanding of the positions arising from the opening. In the past it was used from time to time, but only a few players employed it on a regular basis, such as grandmasters from former Yugoslavia, Milorad Knezevic and Vlado Kovacevic, and the English GM Tony Miles, who used it often.
Today, Kamsky is one of the players who uses it very often, and of course Magnus Carlsen, but we have many other grandmasters and non-grandmasters who now have it in their repertoire on a regular basis. I must say that it’s also important to emphasize the move orders of the line, and due to that we have an immense number of transpositions, which you don’t find so much in other openings.
My experience with the London is good and bad: after I lost a game to grandmaster Volkov in the Rilton Cup, I decided that such positions are not exactly my cup of tea, but in 2019 I picked it up again in one game in a World Senior tournament and produced a very good game. So, as in any opening, good and bad games can happen, but the London itself became a very important part of 1.d4 theory.
Milos Pavlovic, 2024 248 pages Hardcover
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La bible du backgammon enfin disponible en français. Au backgammon, comme dans tous les grands jeux de réflexion, une position présente des forces, des faiblesses, des potentialités qu'il faut savoir reconnaître et utiliser. A cet aspect positionnel, les dés ajoutent une part d'incertitude qui rend ce jeu unique, où compréhension stratégique et maîtrise des probabilités doivent aller de conserve. Ce premier tome commence par exposer les règles, avant de présenter les concepts de base (course, holding game, blitz et primes) à travers quatre parties-types. Quelques notions simples sur les ouvertures et le videau complètent cette partie qui suffira au bonheur du joueur occasionnel. La fin du volume traite de concepts stratégiques (constructeurs, flexibilité, diversification...) et tactiques (blots forcés) nettement plus ambitieux, à aborder donc en liaison avec le second tome.
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