Opening books

Opening books

There are 86 products.

Showing 33-64 of 86 item(s)

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  • Categories: Miscellaneous openings
  • Categories: Queen´s Gambit
  • Categories: The Ruy Lopez

BEZGODOV - The liberated bishop defence

In many 1.d4 openings, Black has trouble getting his bishop on c8 into play. Former Russian Chess Champion Alexey Bezgodov presents a radical solution to this nagging problem; liberate your bishop right away and put it on f5 on the second move!

Play 2...Bf5! against either 2.c4 or 2.Nf3 will surprise your opponent and is also a great way to support your development, because the bishop takes control of the important square e4. If White does not immediately take decisive action, then within a move or two he can relinquish any hopes on an opening advantage.

Alexey Bezgodov has found some great antidotes to White's most dangerous reactions in sharp and attractive lines. To test your understanding of his system he has included more than 100 exercises. After studying the fresh ideas and the clear explanations presented in The Liberated Bishop Defencechess players of almost every strength will enjoy the flexibility of a surprising, effective and universal weapon against 1.d4.

€26.95 Price
Henris: The Complete Albin... -20%
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Henris: The Complete Albin Counter-Gambit

Authored by Belgian FIDE Master Luc Henris, an expert on the Albin, this book covers the Albin Counter-Gambit on about 600 (!) pages. It provides you with up-to-date analysis and innovative ideas to fight the Queen´s Gambit. While it has long been underestimated by master and club players alike, it is especially Morozevich (ELO 2760 as of May 2013) who revived the Albin in recent years. If it´s good for him, it´s good for us too: an entertaining, surprising, and sound counter-weapon for Black.

Edited by Marchand S.A.

€25.60 Regular price €32.00 Price

MCDONALD - The Ruy Lopez move by move

Après la Slave, voci donc l'espagnole ce qui n'est jamais une mauvaise idée pour démarrer une collection sur la théorie des ouvertures, tant celle-ci reste à la fois performante et hautement instructive. Après une première partie consacrée aux variantes avec d3 (juste pour éviter d'envoyer les complets débutants à l'abattoir), l'ami Mc Do nous fait (re)découvrir tous les thèmes classiques et toutes les grandes variantes. Clair, plaisant, intéressant, utile

€27.00 Price

GREET - Play the Ruy Lopez

Un gros pavé destiné à vous faire jouer lEspagnole avec les blancs. Evidemment, en un volume, pas question daborder les lignes principales : le répertoire proposé ici est basé sur larme favorite de Tiviakov, lattaque Worrall (5.De2) qui permet en particulier déviter la variante ouverte. Comme de juste, les chemins de traverse sont explorés également.

€30.00 Price