Opening books

Opening books

There are 81 products.

Showing 33-64 of 81 item(s)

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  • Categories: English Opening
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  • Categories: Other semi-closed games

BEZGODOV - The liberated bishop defence

In many 1.d4 openings, Black has trouble getting his bishop on c8 into play. Former Russian Chess Champion Alexey Bezgodov presents a radical solution to this nagging problem; liberate your bishop right away and put it on f5 on the second move!

Play 2...Bf5! against either 2.c4 or 2.Nf3 will surprise your opponent and is also a great way to support your development, because the bishop takes control of the important square e4. If White does not immediately take decisive action, then within a move or two he can relinquish any hopes on an opening advantage.

Alexey Bezgodov has found some great antidotes to White's most dangerous reactions in sharp and attractive lines. To test your understanding of his system he has included more than 100 exercises. After studying the fresh ideas and the clear explanations presented in The Liberated Bishop Defencechess players of almost every strength will enjoy the flexibility of a surprising, effective and universal weapon against 1.d4.

€26.95 Price

The Modern Bogo 1.d4 e6 - Antic & Maksimovic

They did it! Dejan Antic and Branimir Maksimovic have created a complete chess opening repertoire for Black players in only two books. 

First they wrote the acclaimed The Modern French (against 1.e4). Now The Modern Bogo provides Black players with a comprehensive answer to 1.d4. The two books complement each other perfectly.

The point is that the authors recommend to answer 1.d4 with the direct 1...e6, for the follow-up  2.c4 Bb4+. In this way they avoid complex theoretical Nimzo-Indian lines and enable both amateur and professional players to find their own way in little-explored variations. 

The Modern Bogo covers all the possibilities for White after 1.d4 e6... except for 2.e4, after which you should play the French!

Antic and Maksimovic have done a massive amount of research, and found many new strategic concepts and attacking plans. All of them are explained clearly and thoroughly. 

You will find that this opening not only gives you good chances to equalize as Black, but also many opportunities to play for a win. 

€24.90 Price

PERT - Playing the Trompowsky

This new book by English IM Richard Pert gives you a complete attacking repertoire on the Trompowsky: 1. d4 and 2. Bg5! Tested in games at all levels, this opening is a powerful and sound weapon. However, since it is little known, it will often come as a very unpleasant surprise for your opponents... 

€25.99 Price

MARIN - Grandmaster Repertoire : The English vol 1

Pour tous ceux à qui le Watson n'aurait pas suffi, ceci est le premier volume d'une série de je suppose trois, puisque ce très volumineux pavé ne traite que les lignes découlant de 1.c4 e5 (et encore pas toutes puisqu'il s'agit d'un répertoire blanc). Dans un avant-propos (plutôt une notice d'utilisation, en fait), l'auteur demande au lecteur de lire son opus intégralement dans l'ordre. Je me demande si quelqu'un aura le courage de suivre cette recommandation

€25.00 Price

ALTERMAN - The Alterman Gambit Guide Black Gambits 1

ALTERMAN - The Alterman Gambit Guide Black Gambits 1

On suppose donc qu'il y aura un “Black Gambits 2” En attendant, ce “1” nous présente le toujours populaire gambit Benkö (je sais, je l'ai déjà dit), son cousin germain le Blumenfeld et le ' gambit Vaganian ', i.e. 4e5 dans l'Anglaise symétrique avec d4, plus quelques autres bricoles. Il vous permettra donc de vous constituer un très raisonnable répertoire anti-d4 - en attendant un sans doute plus acrobatique anti-e4.

Ouvrage du même auteur également disponible :

ALTERMAN - The Alterman Gambit Guide White gambits

€23.00 Price

PINSKI - The Benko Gambit

Ceux qui espéraient un ouvrage de référence remplaçant le Guide to the Benko Gambit de Pedersen, désormais un peu ancien (1999), et complétant l'excellent Benko Gambit Revealed de McDonald seront probablement déçus : avec ses 124 pages, ce nouvel opus est sans doute un peu succinct pour remplir cet office... Dans sa forme, il évoque nettement les monographies Everyman - ce qui n'est pas une surprise, le MI polonais étant un pur produit de l'écurie de Northburgh Street. A défaut de fournir une référence vraiment exhaustive, ses 49 parties complètes fourniront donc autant d'exemples concrets illustrant les thèmes développés naguère par McDonald, et les commentaires donneront un second avis utile à ceux qui veulent se lancer dans le Benkö.
€20.00 Price