SILMAN - The Amateur's Mind

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This book takes the student on a journey through his own mind and returns him to the chess board with a wealth of new-found knowledge and the promise of a significant gain in strength. Most amateurs possess erroneous thinking processes that remain with them throughout their chess lives. These flaws in their mental armour result in stinging defeats and painful reversals. Books can be bought and studied, lessons can be taken -- but in the end, these elusive problems always prove to be extremely difficult to eradicate. Seeking a solution to this dilemma, the author wrote down the thoughts of his students while they played actual games, analysed them, and catalogued the most common misconceptions that arose. This second edition greatly expands on the information contained in the popular first edition. 442 pages


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Le MI américain, fort de son expérience de professeur et dentraîneur déchecs, propose la « méthode Silman » pour lamateur : reconsidérez votre approche du jeu déchecs, éradiquez vos peurs et vos doutes, évacuez vos a priori et vos conceptions erronées. En route vers la maîtrise du jeu d'échecs, retournez à votre échiquier et réapprenez à partir de ces leçons et tests ! Existe désormais en français.


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