MIKHALCHISHIN - Strrategy University vol. 2 DVD
Processeur Pentium à 300Mhz ou +
Windows XP, Windows VISTA, Windows 7
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Processeur Pentium à 300Mhz ou +
Windows XP, Windows VISTA, Windows 7
Lecteur de DVD, souris, carte son
Schaakstukken uit gebeitst palmhout, verzwaard en gevilt. Deze schaakstukken horen op een bord met velden van 55mm.
De klassieke schaakstukken van de DGT schaakbord, die een beetje op de klassieke stukken lijken (koning 95 mm hoog), zijn zeer bekend tussen de competitiespelers. Deze speciale stukken (en natuurlijk ook de 2 volgende sets) zijn de enige stukken die met de DGT schaakbord gebruilt kunnen worden. Je kan natuurlijk je mooiste verzamelaarsstukken op je bord plaatsen voor een prachtige uitzicht, maar de computer zal ze helaas niet herkennen.
Swedish chess Grandmaster Axel Smith returns with a sequel to his colossal bestseller, The Woodpecker Method, which was on the tactics of the World Champions. For The Woodpecker Method 2, he has found 1002 foundational positional exercises and prepared them for ‘woodpecking’ – solve the puzzles repeatedly, and boost your positional intuition.
The quick explanation of the Woodpecker Method is that you need to solve a large number of puzzles in a row; then solve the same puzzles again and again, only faster. It’s not a lazy shortcut to success – hard work is required. But the reward can be re-programming your unconscious mind. 383 pages
Deuxième ouvrage sur le sujet en un mois, et aussi différent du précédent (Secrets of Positional Chess de Marovic) qu'il est possible de l'être. Si le GMI croate visait clairement le public des joueurs moyens en s'attardant longuement sur les bases du maniement des pièces, le MI danois s'adresse quand à lui aux forts joueurs désireux de progresser dans les finesses du jeu positionnel. La partie théorique de l'ouvrage est restreinte : six courts chapitres (encore deux d'entre eux n'ont-ils aucun rapport avec le sujet) exposent (ou rappellent) les principes de base : amélioration du placement des pièces, utilisation optimale des dites pièces, exploitation des faiblesses adverses. L'essentiel vient ensuite : un choix de 108 positions proposées comme exercices d'application, suivies bien sûr de solutions commentées. Disons clairement que ces exercices sont très (trop ?) difficiles. Aagaard a en effet sélectionné des positions complexes et des manoeuvres surprenantes, et l'absence de toute indication ou conseil n'arrange rien. A l'arrivée, il est à craindre que ce livre serve plus de recueil d'exemples commentés que d'ouvrage d'entraînement... Un conseil en tous cas : n'abordez cet ouvrage que si vous avez déjà lu - et maîtrisé - le Can you be a Positional Chess Genius de Dunnington.
Ca, c'est un conseil ! Reste juste à savoir lesquelles - et comment En fait, cet assez bref opuscule nous cause de l'usage moderne du pion passé, des coups de pions anti-positionnels, des pièces à la bande ou encore des retards de développement qu'acceptent parfois les champions modernes - entre autres Magnus Carlsen, très bien représenté ici. A lire, en complément bien sûr des deux bouquins de Watson (SOMCS et CSA) qui abordaient déjà ces questions
Do you want a simple and practical method to counter Black’s kingside fianchetto defences after 1 d4? A line that takes the initiative from a very early stage and creates difficult practical problems? If so, then The Harry Attack (1 d4 Nf6 2 c4 g6 3 h4!) is for you.
At first this looks like some sort of joke or, at the very least, a weird outlandish line. Aren’t we all taught to focus on development and control of the centre in the early stages? What’s 3 h4 got to do with that?
Perhaps surprisingly, this is a very difficult line for Black to counter effectively. This applies not just in practical play but also theoretically, where it is far from straightforward for Black even to find a route to equality. And when Black gets it wrong they are often on the receiving end of a very unpleasant miniature.
You may be thinking that surely the best chess engines can show how to counter this line? No! One of the unexpected features of leading engine play is their enthusiasm for shoving the h-pawn up the board and they fully concur that 3 h4! is a very decent move for White. Many leading players have taken the hint and 3 h4 is frequently seen at elite level.
Richard Palliser and Simon Williams (the GingerGM) provide a thorough guide to this fascinating line. They show how to adapt when Black chooses a King’s Indian set-up, a Grünfeld set-up, a Benoni set-up or even plays in Benko style.
The Harry Attack is easy to learn and is perfect for unsettling players steeped in the theory of their favourite Indian defences. 238 pages
In an ideal world, any aspiring chess player, at almost any level, would get better with a coach. If that’s not possible, having chess champion coach Thomas Engqvist’s book at your side is the next best thing.
In his series of lessons, Engqvist guides you through not only the most important elements of chess to master but also the psychology, how to marry knowledge with imagination, and how to stay motivated.
Suitable for older children through to adults, the lessons are drawn from chess games through history, from the 16th century to Magnus Carlsen and latest Alpha Zero computer chess. It features a range of key players, including Steinitz, Lasker, Nimzowistch, Botvinnik (Soviet chess school), and Fischer. With clear and accessible annotations to give clarity, the games highlight the most important lessons to learn and, just as importantly, how to ‘practise’ chess.
International Master Thomas Engqvist has travelled the world teaching and coaching chess to a very high level for decades – and with this book, he can be your coach too.
About the Author
Thomas Engqvist is an International Master from Sweden. He has over 30 years’ experience as a chess coach and teacher. He has worked with players at world championship level in both junior and correspondence chess. He is the author of 300 Most Important Chess Positions and 300 Most Important Tactical Chess Positions, both published by Batsford.