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Werkboek : Stap 3 +
De inhoud van het werkboek stap 3+: Min of meer nieuwe onderwerpen:minorpromotie de tussenzet de randpion Verdieping van (summier) behandelde onderwerpen:Klein planStuk naar beter veld brengen, activiteit verhogen, de pionstructuur verbeteren Pr
Timman - The Art of the Endgame
All through his career Jan Timman has been captivated by the mystery and splendour of endgame studies. Even during his most successful and busy years as a world class player, Timman continued to compose studies and admire those of others.
For him there has never been any doubt that the journeys in this magical world helped him to grow as a player.
In this fascinating book, Timman has collected a wide range of the finest endgame studies by other composers and explains in his lucid style how they inspired him to create dozens of brand-new studies himself.
As Timman writes in the preface: ‘Never before have I been so productive as an endgame study composer as in the seven months that I wrote this book. It was a sensational experience.’
The Art of the Endgame is a treasure-trove for the lovers of beauty in chess. But it is also of great value for competitive players. Solving endgame studies is a vital part of improving one’s endgame technique: it develops general understanding, calculation skills and resourcefulness.
KASIMDZHANOV - World Champion Guide to the King's Indian 2nd Edition DVD
Système requis:
Pentium 300 Mhz, 64 Mo RAM, Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, lecteur DVD-ROM, souris, carte son.
EMMS - The most amazing chess moves of all time
TOPALOV, GINCHEV - Topalov - Kramnik, Elista 2006
ROGOZENKO - The Slav Defence CD Rom
DAVIES - 1...d6 Universal DVD
Universal mon En fait, ce DVD est consacré au système 1.d4 d6 2.c4 e5, plus quelques à-côtés. Pour avoir un vrai système ' universel ', vous êtes priés d'acheter en sus le Pirc Defence du même Davies.