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KING, DOVE - Choose the right move
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Stap 5 Mix: Werkboek
In het mix werkboek staan 62 pagina's met opgaven, liefst 62x12=648-16 (tekeningen e.d) = 728 opgaven.
De thema's zijn bekend uit Stap 5 en Stap 5 plus en de lagere stappen. Voor de plusboeken waren er tot dusver geen gemixte oefeningen. Voor alle oefeningen is er de simpele opdracht: Speel de beste zet. Net als in een echte partij weet je niet of je kunt winnen of je moet verdedigen. Welke aanvalsdoelen zijn er? Wat dreigt de tegenstander? Is het tijd om te remise te maken? Kortom, van alles wat.
Twee soorten opgaven zijn anders: er is op elke bladzijde een meerkeuzevraag en een opgave met een variant onder het bord die je moet aanvullen. Alleen op de laatste 8 bladzijden staat het thema aangegeven: mat in twee problemen.
Neishtadt - Improve you chess tactics Upgraded 2024 edition
Instruction + exercises according to the old Soviet chess school Experienced Russian Grandmaster Yakov Neishtadt reveals the training material that was used in Soviet times to build up young masters. In the first part of the book Neishstadt teaches a systematic course on the most important tactical themes. The second part consist of an exam with hundreds of tests from real-life chess, in random order so as not to give unwelcome hints on how to solve them. The solutions are not just lists of moves, but include instructive prose. This edtion has been checked with modern engines. 390 pages
Lisitsin - Key elements of chess tactics
Georgy Lisitsin (1909-72) was a respected Soviet master, theoretician and writer. In 1958 he published a revised edition of his most ambitious work, entitled Strategy and Tactics of Chess, which became one of the most legendary manuals in the Soviet chess school, and no doubt one of the books that motivated the young Bobby Fischer to learn Russian.
Lisitsin broke down Strategy and Tactics into their key constituent elements, enabling players of all levels to study chess systematically, learning from carefully selected game fragments and studies. Key Elements of Chess Tactics and its companion volume Key Elements of Chess Strategy are the first ever complete English translations of Lisitsin’s classic.
In Key Elements of Chess Tactics, Lisitsin illustrates key tactical concepts such as pinning, discovered attacks and checks, deflection, interference and many more, building a foundation before moving on to more complex and beautiful tactical themes. Hardcover 392 pages
Franco - Attacking chess in the 21st Century
The book consists of 36 attacking games from the 21st Century divided into four chapters.
Mastering attacking play in chess is a dream that we all long to achieve, but of course the art of attack does not arise by itself.
Constructing positions which favour the attack is the most difficult task.
In this book we shall see games with brilliant finishes, but we shall also draw attention to the different phases through which the struggle passes, in order make such finishes possible.
Attention has been paid not only to what happens on the board but also, wherever possible, to the influence of the analysis engines not only on a player’s preparation for the game, something that has become more important in these early years of the new century, but also on the practical context of the game.
The games are prefaced by brief biographical information and a short description of the events of the game.
After each game some lessons are highlighted. 254 pages