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HANSEN - Improve your Positional Chess
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Tiviakov/Gökbulut - Rock Solid Chess Volume 2
Sergei Tiviakov was unbeaten in a streak of more than a hundred chess games as a professional player. Who better to share the secrets of Rock Solid Chess and the activity and value of pieces than Tiviakov?
The highly acclaimed first volume of his chess strategy trilogy dealt with pawn structures. In this second volume, Sergei moves on to discuss piece play and unique chessboard situations. Topics covered include the bishop pair, opposite-coloured bishops, centralization and the almost-ignored question of when and whether to castle.
Tiviakov also demonstrates how the value of pieces can vary drastically depending on their exact position. He shows how the entire assessment of a position, and the correct strategy for playing it, can be changed by moving a single pawn from one square to another.
In the final chapters, Tiviakov discusses how to play cramped and passive positions, how to play for a win with Black and how to choose your strategy, based on the opponent’s style and other psychological factors.
Illustrated with examples from classic games and from his own games, and supported by instructive exercises, Volume Two of Rock Solid Chess offers invaluable and unique instruction on topics not covered in traditional textbooks. These strategy lessons will significantly improve your chess and are suitable for all readers, from club players to grandmasters.
Sergei Tiviakov is a grandmaster, Olympic gold medallist, three-time Dutch Champion and European Champion.
Yulia Gökbulut is a FIDE Women's Master, chess author and sports writer from Turkey.
251 pages
De la Villa - 50 Mistakes You Should Know
It is not the quality of your best moves that wins you games; it is the quality of your worst moves. The quickest way to improve your chess skills is to raise the bar.The Spanish grandmaster and coach Jesus de la Villa has proven with his best-seller 100 Endgames You Must Know that he understands exactly what a chess student needs. Building on his experience as a writer and as a coach for juniors, he has carefully selected the 50 Mistakes every player should be aware of - so the mistake can be avoided. De la Villa loves this quote from the American First Lady, Eleanor Roosevelt: 'Learn from the errors of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself.' For over a decade, De la Villa has closely observed the Spanish junior championships, noting the recurring errors that players make. He has taken notes, classified these errors, and created training tasks based on them. From this wealth of chess exercises, he has selected the most impactful and has added recommendations how to correct the error.Your performance will improve dramatically because this book offers you: -50 important chess lessons-detailed and lively explanations-clear summaries and recommendations-dozens of tests. 351 pages
WATSON - Chess Strategy in Action
EINGORN - Decision -Making at the Chessboard
Step 3 mix:Werkboek
In het mix werkboek staan 62 pagina's met opgaven, liefst 62x12=648-18 (tekeningen e.d )= 726 opgaven.
De thema's zijn bekend uit Stap 3, Stap 3 plus en Stap 3 vooruitdenken en de lagere stappen. Voor de plusboeken waren er tot dusver geen gemixte oefeningen. Voor alle oefeningen is er de simpele opdracht: Speel de beste zet. Net als in een echte partij weet je niet of je kunt winnen of je moet verdedigen. Welke aanvalsdoelen zijn er? Wat dreigt de tegenstander? Is het tijd om te remise te maken? Kortom, van alles wat.
Twee soorten opgaven zijn anders: er is op elke bladzijde een meerkeuzevraag en een opgave met een variant onder het bord die je moet aanvullen. Alleen op de laatste 8 bladzijden staat het thema aangegeven: 2 pagina's matplanners en 6 met mat in twee problemen.
AAGARD, SHAW... - Grandmaster versus Amateur
La ressemblance (sans doute voulue) du titre avec la classique trilogie de Max Euwe est superficielle : ici, sept des auteurs de l'écurie Quality Chess viennent nous parler de leur passage (plus ou moins lointain) des rangs amateurs au statut de grand maître, et tentent d'en tirer des enseignements utiles au commun des mortels. Inévitablement, le résultat est inégal, mais l'ensemble se laisse lire, et le joueur ambitieux pourra sans doute en retirer quelques précieuses leçons.