
Schaakopeningen in andere talen


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  • Categorieën: Frans Opening
  • Categorieën: Grünfeld

Pavlovic - Unknown weapons in the Grünfeld

In my first book I wanted to enlighten the reader on those various lines that were

less explored, and those that have been almost forgotten but were nevertheless



However this time the book is about cutting-edge lines, which is a very

modern approach to this fascinating opening. Moreover it is important to say that

when I was writing my first book a few years ago, surprisingly, some of these current

lines simply didn’t exist, or were only discussed in a very minor way.

It is true that the Grünfeld fits in very well with the engines’ way of playing chess,

and in that sense it’s almost the perfect opening with which to implement and generate

such ideas.


Let’s have a look now at what I mean and start reading my findings!


GM Milos Pavlovic, January 2024.

€ 38,90 Prijs

Martin - Play the French with 3 ... dxe4

The variation of the French that starts 1 e4 e6 2 d4 d5 3 Nc3 (or 3 Nd2) 3 ... dxe4 is often called the Rubinstein Variation. It is a great way to simplify the position and ensure that the middlegame battle rewards strategic understanding rather than rote memorisation of opening moves. It is also a very useful weapon to defuse the attacking intentions of aggressive White players who plan an all-out assault in the main lines of the French Defence. 367 pages

€ 31,00 Prijs

Jacimovic/Zlatanovic - The French Defense revisited. A practical guide for black

For almost two centuries the French Defense has been a universally popular opening. Many
authorities have made their contribution to establishing the theory. Thanks to
their efforts, players nowadays can easily make a choice between the many and various
options, whether peaceful or sharp, whether statically or dynamically
orientated. Just as importantly, if not more so, fans of the French worldwide
can today find good options to play both for a win and a draw! All this makes
the French Defense very popular. However, the authors think that many lines
have not been well explained or should be revisited. Some other lines deserve a better reputation. Finally we have also suggested some new approaches. Simply speaking,

the French Defense looks to be inexhaustible and there cannot be enough books

dedicated to it. This book takes a step in the direction of revitalizing our favorite

The authors have decided to set the book in order from the less to the more popular and complex lines. In the case of the most popular moves 3. e5, 3.Nd2 and 3.Nc3

298 pages

€ 39,50 Prijs

YEVSEEV - Fighting the French A New Concept

Annonçons tout de suite la couleur : le nouveau concept, c'est de la Tarrasch (3.Cd2) avec Fd3 et c3 - ce qui revient à accepter un pion-dame isolé. Ceux qui sont allergiques à cette idée peuvent donc sans remords passer leur chemin. En revanche, ceux qui en ont assez de la classique structure d4-e5 pourront se plonger avec profit dans ce petit pavé Chess Stars, comme toujours complet et très sérieux.

€ 24,00 Prijs