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  • Categorieën: Damegambiet

Delchev - Delchev's Practical Opening Repertoire ( The Scandinavian, Pirc & Modern Defenses) Volume 1

Q&A with the author, Alexander Delchev:

What does it take to become an expert in opening preparation? 

How can we learn the secret methods which allow the top players to dominate everyone else in the opening? 

Books can hardly be useful in this regard because modern books on openings, regardless of the level of the author, are very standard and straightforward. The title of this book claims to answer this question. Your author will then back up his claim with proof in the form of analysis from a strong engine. You are then left to decide whether or not to include these ideas in your opening repertoire. 

What is missing is some sort of guidance and advice relating to what sorts of tour­naments and against what sorts of players this idea should be employed. Moreover, every one of you has likely noticed that even the best opening idea still has a rela­tively short life span and can hardly be used in more than a few games. So far I have published about 10 books on openings and for me it is not a problem to publish another 10 or even more. However, in the modern era I believe the lifespan of an opening book is incredibly short as new games are constantly being played and new ideas are being found. 1 feel it would be much more useful to you if I uncover a new approach to opening preparation, which will be more long-lasting and will improve your play as well. 

The method of opening preparation I have used throughout my entire chess-playing career {1997 - 2018) allowed me, with relatively little effort, to be unpredictable the re by winning the psychological battle of the opening. Luring my opponents into prepared opening tricks and traps was great fun ! 

In the method which I will introduce you to in this book, the first and most im­portant aspect is adapting your approach to each individual opponent and perfect prediction of the opponent's opening choice, to the smallest details. 


€ 42,95 Prijs

Rodi - The modernized Queen's Gambit declined ( a Dynamic Repertoire for Black)


The history of the Queen’s Gambit is connected with the very beginnings of modern chess, the opening being cited in the earliest published books on the science of the game, such as the Göttingen manuscript (1490) and the books of Ruy Lopez (1561) and Salvio (1604). The so-called Queen’s Gambit Declined – or Refused – is, together with the Slav, the main defense in the universe of queenside openings, and shares with the aforementioned defense a well-earned reputation for being a reliable and very solid scheme.

The main aim of the present work is to show that Black can indeed obtain positions where all three results are possible. The Queen’s Gambit Declined, about a century after its golden age, is still a reliable and lively defense, where despite all the theory developed during its long existence it still holds secrets for analysts and offers new positions to enjoy a lively game, both strategically and tactically. 620 pages Hardcover

€ 49,00 Prijs

Soszynski - Double trouble scandinavian style (two repertoires for black)

The book is in three parts. Part One, besides introducing the book generally, covers the very first moves of the Scandinavian Defense and White’s early deviations. Anyone who plays the Scandinavian will find this section quite helpful. Then Part Two covers Qd6 + g6 systems, while Part Three covers the very different Nf6 system. 176 pages

€ 31,90 Prijs

Yap - Queen's Gambit Accepted


The Queen’s Gambit Accepted (1 d4 d5 2 c4 dxc4) has a long history and has always been popular at all levels of play. However, in the past few years it has undergone an explosion of interest, thanks to many new discoveries of possibilities for very dynamic play from Black. One of these is the line 1 d4 d5 2 c4 dxc4 3 e4 b5!?. This was previously thought to be a very poor line for Black but numerous recent games and investigations have completely changed this assessment. This is now almost the main line of the Queen’s Gambit Accepted and there is currently very little theoretical material on it.
Nicolas Yap analyses this line in forensic detail and also investigates other popular, counterattacking lines such as 3 e3 e5!?. The book is rounded off with suggestions to meet other White systems that involve 1 d4 but not 2 c4 (such as the London, Colle etc.) This makes the book a complete repertoire to face 1 d4.
- A complete repertoire for Black to counter 1 d4.
- The question and answer approach provides an excellent study method. 448 pages

€ 30,00 Prijs

Dlugy - The Queen's Gambit Accepted ( A Modern Couterattack in an Ancient Opening)


Forging New Paths in an Ancient Opening

The Queen’s Gambit Accepted is one of the oldest known openings in chess. It was first mentioned in chess literature in the late 15th century. Over 500 years later, American Grandmaster Max Dlugy demonstrates in this groundbreaking work that the QGA is still a fighting, uncompromising opening that allows Black to play for a win from the very first move. 349 pages

€ 32,50 Prijs

Negi - 1.e4 vs Minor Defences

1.e4 series provides a top-class repertoire against the Alekhine, Scandinavian, Pirc and Modern Defences, plus various offbeat alternatives Black may try.

€ 25,99 Prijs