
Schaakopeningen in andere talen


Er zijn 86 producten.

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  • Categorieën: 1.c4 / Diverse
  • Categorieën: Frans Opening
  • Categorieën: Konings Indisch

BEZGODOV - The liberated bishop defence

In many 1.d4 openings, Black has trouble getting his bishop on c8 into play. Former Russian Chess Champion Alexey Bezgodov presents a radical solution to this nagging problem; liberate your bishop right away and put it on f5 on the second move!

Play 2...Bf5! against either 2.c4 or 2.Nf3 will surprise your opponent and is also a great way to support your development, because the bishop takes control of the important square e4. If White does not immediately take decisive action, then within a move or two he can relinquish any hopes on an opening advantage.

Alexey Bezgodov has found some great antidotes to White's most dangerous reactions in sharp and attractive lines. To test your understanding of his system he has included more than 100 exercises. After studying the fresh ideas and the clear explanations presented in The Liberated Bishop Defencechess players of almost every strength will enjoy the flexibility of a surprising, effective and universal weapon against 1.d4.

€ 26,95 Prijs

YEVSEEV - Fighting the French A New Concept

Annonçons tout de suite la couleur : le nouveau concept, c'est de la Tarrasch (3.Cd2) avec Fd3 et c3 - ce qui revient à accepter un pion-dame isolé. Ceux qui sont allergiques à cette idée peuvent donc sans remords passer leur chemin. En revanche, ceux qui en ont assez de la classique structure d4-e5 pourront se plonger avec profit dans ce petit pavé Chess Stars, comme toujours complet et très sérieux.

€ 24,00 Prijs