chess house
638.00 (INCL. VAT) 2


638.00 (INCL. VAT) 2


ChessBase 18 Starter Package


Here's the latest version of the best chess computer program on the market.

Whether you're improving, preparing or analyzing your games and those of your opponents, CB18 offers an incredible wealth of functions for all areas of study and all levels of play.

The package offered is the standard version, i.e. the new CB18 program, Big Database 2025, 1-year premium subscription for your chessbase account, update service until 31/12/2025, 6-month subscription to ChessBase Magazine.

More details on the program and its new functions below.

Please note that the program is only available as a download with an access code, as there are no DVDs in the box.

PC and multilingual version



  • Fast, reliable delivery
  • Free returns
  • Secure payment with Stripe


What's new in ChessBase 18:

  • Playing style analysis: what type of player is your next opponent? ChessBase 18 analyzes his games and recognizes aspects such as "manic attacker who risks everything", "endgame expert with great combativeness", "adept at exchanges with a very high draw rate" and many more.
  • Research strategic themes: find games with a thrilling attack on the king's wing, or document yourself with abundant training material illustrating themes such as defense, space advantage, strong squares, wing-♛ play, and so on.
  • Via the ChessBase database server, extremely fast access to 6 billion Lichess games.
  • Prepare yourself against a specific opponent: thanks to a wealth of information provided by statistical analysis of Lichess or accounts.
  • Download games from quickly and easily with the integrated API!
  • Integrated cloud engine: use the power of the cloud on your laptop or tablet, rent the right software and save your own battery! With a free flat rate for Premium subscribers*.
  • ChessBase Mobile: when you're on the move, this application gives you access to your databases, as well as to your opening preparations and the ChessBase online database containing over 12 million games!
  • Other innovations: QR code printing for games and positions; new interface design; new icons with colors to match the design theme; improved displays for reference searches (e.g. filter for Elo and year or search range); faster game entry by voice; and much more.


2024 Maison Des Échecs. Made by Artimon Digital.