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Chess clubs


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In the "clubs" sections, you'll find a selection of the chess equipment most frequently used by clubs, schools and other public bodies. You'll benefit from quantity discounts (often +3 and +8) which are automatically applied to your basket according to the quantity you choose. Don't hesitate: everyone can benefit, and this principle applies to all items on sale on our site! Don't hesitate to ask us for a price per quantity for an item that doesn't yet have one.

In the "clubs" sections, you'll find a selection of the chess equipment most frequently used by clubs, schools and other public bodies. You'll benefit from quantity discounts (often +3 and +8) which are automatically applied to your basket according to the quantity you choose. Don't hesitate: everyone can benefit, and this principle applies to all items on sale on our site! Don't hesitate to ask us for a price per quantity for an item that doesn't yet have one.

2024 Maison Des Échecs. Made by Artimon Digital.

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